Monday 23 December 2013

Increase Trial Period Of WHATS APP


How To Check Whatsapp Trial/Usage Or Status

1. Open you whatsapp and press Option > About > Account Info

there you will see all info for your registered number and your end of trial period.

How To Pay For Or Renew Whatsapp

1. Open you whatsapp and press Option > About > Account Info

2: There you will see a link "purchace now" click and when the page appears, it display to payment option i.e paypal, google wallet.

3. Save the page as bookmark then go to your bookmark and edit the saved bookmark and copy out the url. It looks like this.

4. Or for easier task, click on send address.

5. Visit the url in your pc, then select your preffered payment and follow the on-screen message to complete payment.

How To Use Whatsapp For Free, Extend Or Increase Its Trial Period

I strongly recommend doing this when your whatsapp is a day to expire but you can still use it now. Faster enough the better it is.

1. Open your whatsapp and press Option > About > Account Info > Option > Delete Account

2. A page will be displayed telling you to enter your mobile number and telling you what will happen. As shown bellow. The fourth option is what we are trying to get rid of.

* Delete All Your Whatsapp Service Payment Information

3. Then press continue after you enter your phone number and follow the next steps to complete deletion.

4. Now trial is gone but you are no more on whatsapp. Read on.

5. Open whatsapp back and register as normal as you do before by entering and confirming your phone number.

6. After succesfull registration, you get one more year free. Check the status again as explained above in the first place.

7. Thats all you need to do to get rid of the trial.

I'm very sure this really helps you, yes you, but wait a minute are you going to press back just like that after digesting the post? Oh No, thats not fair enough, comment bellow and share accross the available share buttons and we will be greatefull.

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Don't mind my flowing mouth, it speaks too much. Don't forget to share though, it really our benefit from you as a reward for what we are doing for you here. smiley smiley smiley smiley wink wink wink


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