Tuesday 24 December 2013


From our beginning, the main purpose of this blog (more than three years ago) was to discover and report the best tricks and the best guides for Facebook. In this article, we list thetop 5 hidden tricks for Facebook, tricks that everyone should know how to take advantage of.

1. Forward messages

Forwarding Messages Facebook
How to forward a Message FacebookYou don’t need to necessarily copy and paste a conversation in order to share it. When you copy and past conversations in Facebook they sometimes become unreadable because of spacing issues, names are attached and it can be difficult to select the right message.
Facebook has recently made available a function that lets you forward messages from any conversation. Open the message page, select the conversation you would like to share and in the “Actions” menu select “Forward Messages” and check marks will appear next to all messages. Select the messages you would like to forward, enter the persons name or email, enter a message and click “Send.”
How do your friends see your profile when they arrive to your profile? Each friend can view your profile very differently. Depending on your privacy settings, your post settings, your photos settings, and so on.
If you want to see how one of your friends views your profile click on the gear in the lower right corner of the cover and choose “View as …”.
Write the name of the friend and you will see exactly how they view your profile.

2. Contact Lists

Facebook Adding Friends to ListsOne of the most useful and least used function within Facebook is contact lists. You can use these lists to organize your friends into different categories and even control what each lists sees. You post an update just for specific people to friends to see such as colleagues or friends that live in your area.
Facebook automatically creates the first list that you can customize (add or remove friends). Facebook also creates smart lists that update automatically based on the information you have shared with selected friends, such as school, work or city.
There are many lists that you may be thinking of but here are a few examples:
  • List of friends you do not need to stay in close contact with
  • List for people who you have added to friends but you don’t want to share updates with
  • List of work colleagues
  • List of college friends
  • List of family members
Manage all your lists on this link: http://www.facebook.com/bookmarks/lists.

4. Check the photos you’re tagged in before they’re shared with your friends

To avoid making a bad impression on your friends don’t let them see when you’ve been tagged in a photo by enabling automatic scanning of tags. This tool is setting essential to protecting your privacy.
Once activated you can check each tag received from friends of photos, videos, links, and any content and decide whether to approve the tag. If you decide to approve the tag your friends will see the news on their homepage (example: “guy has been tagged in the photo …”), and vice versa, he decides not to approve the tag your friends will not see any update. Simple and useful trick.

5. University Groups

Facebook Groups for School
University groups can only be used by students and faculty of a university. When you join the group of your university, you can share files, create events, send messages to other members and keep you updated on the events on campus. To subscribe you must have a university email address and confirm it on Facebook. Visit the homepage of the university groups for more information: https://www.facebook.com/about/groups/schools


We have collected the best unknown tricks for this post. If you have further questions about a specific trick, lets us know on our Facebook page or the comments below.
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