Monday 23 December 2013

Best FaceBook Tricks and Tips For Ever

Best Facebook Tricks and Tips for Ever

          Also Check: Earn Money From Facebook

Facebook Tricks & Tips You Might Not Know:

1.How to add Anchor text:

This is one of pretty cool facebook tricks.mostly facebook fanpage follwers will know it.have you ever wonder by clicking some words going to facebook fan page?
cool i will tell you
Just copy the below code in your status
Did you like our page?@@[0:[430046347057724:1:tAll Tech Tricks?]]
Like now @[430046347057724:0] for latest @@[0:[430046347057724:1:tips and tricks]]!


2.Facebook browser hack:

Yeah!! this is one of hack of facebook.Now can you edit any webpage by using this trick.
  • just go to
  • now at place of url just copy and paste below code: 
click on image to see in large size

javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0
  • make sure when you copy code and paste in url does not allows you to add javascript:
  • Snow manually add javascript: in front of document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0
  • That's it you can add this scrip to any webpage you want to edit.

3.How to make Profile Pic Unclickable:

Well this is useful for the people who want to make some extra adding this you can disable your freinds adn unkown membesr by clicking on your profile pic.
  • Go to Albums > Profile Pictures.
  • Now Click the Gear icon at top and adjust settings.

4.How to See private Facebook  Profile picture in Full size:

In the last trick i explained how to make profile picture unclickable.Now this trick helps you to see the image in full Size when above security is made.
  • Just Move your cursor on Profile picture and open the image in new tab.
  • Now remove s160X160 form the URL
  • Now you can see the image in full size just like below screen capture.

             Also Check: Who unfriend you

5.Facebook Meme Smileys Code:


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  2. Just one more to see private facebook. So far i know, there's not a way to view the private accounts. But helped me with this task

  3. Its the great step by step post. Thank you for this.
