Tuesday 24 December 2013


Facebook is a community of more than 900 million users and soon will reach an epic one billion subscribers. With all these people it’s not surprising that on occasion a few of them pass away.
A recent survey (February 2012) estimated that approximately 19 thousand Facebook users die every day. With large amount of inactive profiles growing everyday one has to wonder, what happens to my Facebook profile when I die? How does someone report a Facebook profile that belongs to a dead person?

Facebook Accounts and Memorials

To confront this issue Facebook has introduced a new type of profile, the Memorial Account.
From Facebook Help:
When a user passes away, we memorialize their account to protect their privacy. Memorializing an account sets the account privacy so that only confirmed friends can see the profile (timeline) or locate it in search. Friends and family can leave posts in remembrance. Memorializing an account also prevents anyone from logging into the account. Link
According to the rules of Facebook every account that belongs to a deceased member should become a memorial. In this way only friends can see his/her profile and find it in searches. This profile will no longer appear in the suggestions of friends, advertise it on Google or other sources that may be disrespectful towards the deceased.
Relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, classmates etc.. may signal the profile of a deceased person and choose to remove it or turn it into a memorial account.

How To Turn A Profile Into A Memorial Account

To report the profile of a deceased person just click here and complete the form. After completing all the fields you can choose to transform the profile into a Memorial Account (select under “Requested Action”).

Special Requests

You can also send special requests, for example, if you want to change the profile picture and do not know the login information of the deceased user’s profile, or remove messages, photos etc..
Any request can be sent to Facebook from this formIt should, however, demonstrate the degree of kinship and by uploading a birth certificate, or death certificate (of the deceased).
You can also use this form to request removal of a deceased user’s profile.


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