Tuesday 24 December 2013


Exclusive Today: we present a super trick, how to tag in status updates those who are and those who are not your friends , or tag anyone! Yes, you read right, everyone!
As you know to tag of a friend in a post is done by inserting the at sign @ followed by the name of a friend, their name becomes a link in the update status, linking to their profile. The tagged individual also receives a notification for being tagged.

How to tag them all in a status update

The trick exploits a bug in the tagged system on Facebook. Twitter and the application exploits this bug, you can tag any user on Facebook, from the friend of your friend all the way to Mark Zuckerberg!
  • First we need the ID of the tag we want facebook. This can be found by visiting the profile in question, in the url (example http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id = 12345678 ) or if the user has activated the username you just right-click -click “Add to Friends” and copy the address. (E.g
  • Now we have to copy and paste this specific URL in the address bar of your browser: http://www.facebook.com/connect/prompt_feed.php?api_key=2231777543&message = @ [FacebookID : 0: Comment ]
  • You should first substitute “FacebookID” with the ID, and “Comment” with a comment/linked text that you want to do.
  • In the box you have now (see picture) we must write our status update, and tag the specific user. Instead of the simple spiral + name, write: @ [Facebook ID: 0: NAMEOFTAGGED]where “FacebookID” goes back replaced with the number found before and “NAMEOFTAGGED” with the first or last name of the user to add tags.
By clicking Share you will have posted a status update that is has tag a user to your update like their your friend!
If you want the status update is visible to the user who is not your friend, be sure to click on the padlock next to the share button and set the update visible to everyone.
The trick has been tested and is working today (the date of publication) – by 
Republication PROHIBITED unless under a Creative Commons license !


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