Tuesday 24 December 2013



If you suspect or are certain that you have been victim of Facebook profile theft you need to understand how much information can be taken from your profile.
In this article we will share in detail all of the information that a hacker could steal from your profile.
Even though you might not suspect that you were a victim of theft it’s important to know what valuable information is in your Facebook in order to increase your safety and prevent someone from taking your account information.
The security of Facebook has evolved over the years with new tools being made available to users and security measures that are gradually added to protect your account.

How to prevent someone from gaining access to your account?

To prevent someone from stealing your login information and logging into your account without your knowledge you need to make sure you are doing the following:
  • Do not accept friend requests of people you do not know.
  • Set a strong password (at least 8 characters with at least one lowercase letter and uppercase, numbers and at least one punctuation mark).
  • Do not set a question and answer for the security questions.
  • It is also important to set up notifications on your account


Information that a hacker could steal from your profile

Here is the list of information that someone would be able to get with access to your Facebook account:
  1. Private Messages: conversations with friends in chat and messages exchanged with friends and other users (via email or Facebook). An attacker could quickly make a backup copy of this information, and within your messages might find sensitive information, such as email, phone numbers and addresses.
  2. Phone, email and personal information: This information is available under “Account Settings.” The hacker could, for example, change the phone associated with your account and set the approval of effectively blocking access to your account.
  3. Address for publication by e-mail: This is a function that is unknown to many users but very important. Facebook provides us with a unique email address that you can use to upload photos, videos and status updates on the profile by sending us an email. To locate your address for publication via e-mail simply visit the mobile settings of your account, as an alternative you can access from the browser to m.facebook.com, click on photos below space to type a status update and under “Upload via email” you will see a address. What is most alarming is this address that does not change even if you change your primary email address associated with your account. If someone comes into possession of this address they will always be able to post photos and status updates on your profile! Be careful therefore to keep this address private.
  4. Basic and expanded archive: the attacker could also download all the information at once taking all the information within your account. Facebook has provided two files (basic and extended) with the ability to download a single file with all the information such as messages, photos and videos, friend lists, notes, comments, links, status updates etc..
  5. Pages and Groups: steal pages and groups that you administer is one of the simplest activities on Facebook. They are able to delete and assign administrators. In addition, Facebook pages has provided a unique email address to publish photos, videos and status updates via email. You can see the address by logging into the admin panel of the page, to the “To Phone”.
Finally, protect your account by enabling notifications and access your account by setting complex passwords. Pay attention to which friends requests you accept and try to keep your eyes open to the possibility of account theft


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