Wednesday 25 December 2013


Facebook is the one of the Best social site and its continuously increasing there users.Among the 800 million profile there chances of fake profile more then your think.Even you can't find fake profile in your friend list easily
so Here I will give you a top Tips to find out a profile is fake or not

1.Find His/Her profile pics on Google Image
*Most of the fake profile pic specially girls profile pic have only one profile pic and that is too beautiful
*This point is awesome to find a fake profile pic. 
  What you have to do is download that profile pic to your PC
   Now open Google image search after that Drag and Drop that profile picture on search bar(shown in image)

  After uploading that pic. google show you a all result for that picture 

2.When He/She joined Facebook?

If That profile join facebook short amount of time and have a more friend in there friend list then may b chances its fake

3.Link of His/Her To Other Friend
   Analyse the there pics,wall post,events tag with whom if you cant find so then may be its fake

4.Profile Detail
 Fake profile creator not complete full profile so you can find full profile detail then  may its not a fake

5.According to Request Gender
 If you get a request from a unknown girl then in most of case its fake.bcz aGood girl don't send friend request to strangers

6.Amount of Gender Friend
If that profile is from female Gender and you found most of male in her friend list then may be its fake
on other hand you get request from male Gender and you found most of male then may b its....

7.Mutual Friend
If that fake profile maker is from your group and trying play with you and your friends then amount of mutual friend is more
8. Cross Check email add. with Profile Name
 Cross check  email address with there profile name if you cant find any link between them then its fake


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