Tuesday 24 December 2013


Facebook Cleaning
Do you publish different content on Facebook, some current and important and others (such as the various “links”) less important and sometimes stupid? Before the launch of the timeline we probably didn’t care that much about old posts, but now with the arrival of the timeline we must be very careful and review all the posts that have been published in the past, remove the less important things and just leave things there that we don not regret publishing.
WARNING : Do not try the services listed below if you do not understand what they are. You may remove, forever (no possibility of recovery), the content published on your Facebook.

Why is it important to review the old posts we’ve published?

The new Facebook timeline allows you to scroll back in time with only a few clicks thus making all content published by us available to your friends (or anyone depending on privacy settings).
For example, if in the past we have spoken ill of a person, company, service … and now we want to delete that content because we’ve changed our mind about that person and/or if this became our friend, or if the company ended up calling for an interview and so on.

Application for Android

Exfoliate for Android
Exfoliate is an application for Android devices that allows you to delete all content posted on our Facebook profile older than a certain date. The application does the dirty work for us, and gradually remove all posts, links and photos (you can choose which content to remove) the oldest of 3, 6 months or one, two or three years …. Who cares about the bottom things published years ago?
Now Available for Android users only but should get to the App Store for iPhone OS devices shortly.

Clean My Wall

Clean my wall
CleanMyWall is a javascript that allows you to delete posts older than a certain date. To prove it you need to bookmark this link. (Drag this link on your bookmarks bar or right click and choose to add to favorites). Now visit your profile and click on the favorite you just created, a guided process will guide you in cleaning your profile.
More greasemonkey scripts: you can run other scripts on the browser to clean up our profile, but unfortunately none of these have recently been updated since the introduction of the timeline. Examples: History Purge Facebook and Facebook: Clear All Activity.


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