Sunday 22 December 2013

Donate to Charity Direct Through Facebook



Facebook has just announced that they are going to help charities by inserting a “donate” button on their pages, and on posts in the News Feed, so users can directly donate funds. By clicking the button, you choose the amount, insert your payment information, then click to instantly send it. You can then feel good that you have helped someone and you can then go back to playing Candy Crush.
When a non-profit has a very limited budget to work with, one of the things they can do which costs absolutely nothing is to set up their own Facebook presence. This gives them priceless advertising, as there are over a billion users on the social network, and a well-placed post highlighting someone or something in need can quickly become viral. And now, it’s even easier to turn that presence into funds.
For a charity to get involved, it has to apply to Facebook for inclusion, so this would imply a strict screening process to make sure that users are not scammed. So I guess that rules out the “Give All MakeUseOf Writers A Free Pizza” then. But on a more serious note, unscrupulous people and charities always try to take advantage of natural disasters, and it is a natural instinct to want to donate to the victims. By screening the charities via Facebook, and donating through the site, hopefully it will provide at least a small amount of protection against opportunistic scam artists.
Interested charities can apply here. If you have donated money through one of the new “donate” buttons, let us know in the comments how smoothly it went for you. Does donating through Facebook instil more confidence, or less?


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