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Monday 30 December 2013

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Wednesday 25 December 2013


Last week i received a ‘Friend Request’ from an UNKNOWN hot Girl and being Stupid i quickly added her. and guess what, this Girl turns out to be a Professional Spammer. After i added her the girl started messaging me frequently saying hi! hello! and i also started responding her casually. and then one day she messaged me saying, she wants to send me her private pictures and for this she needed my email address. the thing is she could have easily got my email from my profile but instead she wanted to make sure that i am active on that email ie she wanted my primary email.
I have also seen some people commenting on her photos and scraping cell numbers and even their home addresses,.. people are crazy. You can read the full message below. Ofcourse i didn’t respond her Back but if at all i had responded her with my email, lets see what would have happened. No doubt the Girl is doing this for her own Benefit.
Facebook users Beware of Hot Girls around wanting to date you Facebook Stalker
Once i send her my email address, she will email me with a virus program or a link containing virus. at this moment i will think that this is something of my interest and i would click that link or install that program. Since i installed the program, My computer will now act as a Zombie and in turn i will mail a copy of this email to all my Contacts automatically. In Short the girl just used me to spread E-mail spam.

-What is zombie?

computer zombie lokks likezombie is a type of computer virus that infects your PC and causes it to send out spam emails, for a spammer. The spammer controls and uses your pc without you knowing it. Spammers may be using your computer to send unsolicited — and possibly offensive — email offers for products and services. Spammers are using home computers to send bulk emails by the millions. The Zombie is planted on hundreds of computers belonging to unsuspecting third parties and then used to spread E-mail spam and because of this it becomes very difficult to Trace the zombie’s creator. Zombies can also be used to launch mass attack on any company or website.

-How do I prevent my computer becoming a zombie?

Control What you ShareSpammers collect e-mail addresses from chatrooms, websites, and nowadays especially Social Networking websites. So you got to be very careful about what you share, whom you add as friend, and what you explore on Facebook. Never Scrap your Phone number or home address on facebook, this gives rise yet another big thing “Identity theft”.
Never open unknown emailsBe cautious about opening any attachment or downloading any files from emails you receive. Don’t open an email attachment — even if it looks like it’s from a friend unless you are expecting it or know what it contains. If you send an email with an attached file, include a text message explaining what it is.
Use a Good Antivirus software: and keep it up to date. Look for anti-virus software that recognizes current viruses, as well as older ones. I always Recommend use AVG Free edition – The best (***** from hacker9) And If you have some money to throw use the Premium version


Are you looking for this software called “007 facebook hack v1.0″ also known as “James bond’s facebook hack” that can hack your friends facebook password in minutes? If yes then you are at the right place. According to this Software, you just need to input your friends profile id and the email id he has used on his facebook profile. Once you feed these two things to this software, it will automatically reveal the password of your Friend..quite Unbelievable.
Hacking FB Accounts using 007 facebook hack v1.0
First let me ask you something, Are you damn sure that you can cheat facebook’s login using this software? are you so confident that this stupid software called 007 facebook hack v1.0 will hack any facebook password within Minutes? ..if you feel so then how about hacking Lady Gaga’s Facebook account? ..You cant..believe it. see the video below, after watching it, am sure many of you will be tempted to try it.

-Who Created such fake Software’s ?

Let me make it clear that there is No software available that can hack facebook passwords exclusively. So who created such fake softwares? ofcourse hackers. By installing such Fake softwares you are exposing yourself to potentially high risks. These softwares are actually spyware, that once installed on your system, will rapidly upload any sensitive data of yours like credit card details or saved passwords to the creators server.

-Is it Possible to hack my friend’s facebook account?

Ofcourse it is. Let us discuss some known ways to hack facebook passwords. Below are some common ways a hacker uses to hack into anyone facebook account.

1. KeyStroke Capturing

This Method involves capturing Data (keystrokes) entered by your victim. The hacker simply installs a hardware or Software Keylogger on his victims PC. Once installed the Keylogger will automatically capture all the data entered by the user including passwords. Keyloggers are of Two types:
  1. Software Keylogger
  2. Hardware keylogger
If you have physical access to your victim’s PC then hardware keylogger is the best choice for you. And if your victim is at remote location for eg: if you want to hack your friends account then software keylogger is the best option for you.

2. Phishing

Phishing is the oldest way of hacking. Phishing is an example of social engineering techniques used to fool users. The common method used is “creating fake login page“. Phishing is typically carried out by e-mail and it often directs users to enter details at a fake website whose look and feel are almost identical to the legitimate one. The disadvantage of this method is the face that everyone is aware of this and Smart people will always check the URL of the Page Before entering login details


Here in this post i will be demonstrating how you can hack your friends ‘facebook account’ who is residing far away from you using the Best remote keylogger software “Winspy“. Keylogging method is the best option for you, when you really want to reveal your victims password and at the same time, you do not want your victim to know about ‘his account being hacked’.
The best part in winspy keylogger is, you need not manipulate or bind the remote installation file with any other file like .mp3 or .jpg. Winspy keylogger will automatically do that for you, as specified. Though some antiviruses like COMODO may flag it as Trogn, In such cases you can always use Crypters to make then undetectable. .
* ] After buying, please be sure to note down the “clickbank transaction id”. you will need it to activate your software.
Features of WinSpy Keylogger:
  • Inbuilt Icon changer and Image Binder
  • Captures Keystrokes including passwords, chats, websites visited, etc.
  • Remote FTP – Upload or download any file from remote PC.
  • Added PC Usage or Active Time Report
  • Improved Chat Reports – Google Talk Chat, Facebook Chat, MSN Live Chat, etc.
  • WebCam Recording with SMS Alert
Tutorial - How to Use Win-spy for "Facebook Hacking"?
Step #1: Click Open the Win-spy installation file that you just downloaded and it will start the installation process. You will be asked to register the software using ‘clickbank transaction id‘. Just copy paste the clickbank transaction id that you copied after buying it. (Forgot to copy? don’t worry, head over to your email inbox and check for email from clickbank).
clickbank transaction id
Step #2: Next you will be asked to choose Login details (username & password). So that only you are able to access the software and captured data (keylogs).
Download Winspy keylogger
Step #3: Once you are done with selecting username and password, the keylogger will then ask you to press and hold 3 keys simultaneously for “login box” to appear.

Winspy keylogger login
Step #4: Once you press and hold these 3 keys: Ctrl+Shift+F12, a “Login Box” Box will appear immediately. Now enter your username and password to login to your main control panel.

Download Winspy keylogger
Step #5: Your control panel will look something like below. This is your main keylogger control panel, where in you can manage everything. Remember this main keylogger will also monitor your PC in completely stealth mode and report everything in your control panel.
(Click to Enlarge)
Download Winspy keylogger
Every time when you restart or reboot your PC, Win-spy keylogger will automatically start monitoring your PC. In case you don’t wish to monitor you PC, Just login by pressing Ctrl+Shif+F12 and click ‘file >> exit‘. Once you logout/exit the program, you cannot login back. To login back, you will need to reboot your PC.
Step #5: Now coming back to our main mission, i.e creating Remote installation file for your victim. To create this installation file for your “XYZ” victim, Just click ‘Remote >> Remote install‘ in your control panel. Here a warning message will pop-up, Just click ‘yes’ and proceed.

Step #6: Now here comes the main Step. Next you will see all the settings and options in you “remote installation file”.

Remote install options
      Fill in the required Fields:
Enter User: Enter a description on how you are going to identify remote PC.
File typesEnter Filename: This is the name of the file you will be sending. A .exe file (or .ppt) with this filename will be created on your desktop. You will be sending this file to the Remote PC. As you will see, there 5 different file extensions you can choose from. The most commonly used and recommended ones are .exe or .ppt formats. If .ppt (powerpoint extension)selected, you might need to update some settings in you office suit. In both .exe or .ppt, you can add image to it. So that when your victim runs it, he will be shown the Image and the keylogger will install in background automatically.
Include Picture: This is the picture remote user will see when they click on the remote file. Supports GIF or JPG formats. If no picture is included then when user clicks on the file it would appear as nothing has happened. Win-Spy will install silently.
File Icon: You can add any icon to your remote installation file. If you have Included image then its recommended that you use image icon.
#tip: To create icon of Image, use this software called Any2IconDownload here.
Email keylog to: This will be the email address where you would receive win-spy keylog reports. Enter your gmail address in this Email Tab. Its Recommended that you use only gmail email address. Do not change SMTP server settings. Do a “Test” and make sure mail was sent and received. Check your SPAM folder for email if not receiving email.
There are some other optional settings like: screen capture, WebCam, FTP, etc. Just go through and configure as you wish.
Step #7: Once you are done with filling up all the required details, Click on “Create Remote file” Button. This will take some seconds and once it is done, it will then save the installation file on your Desktop.
Step #8: The next Step is to send this file to your victim via email or better send it via facebook messages (as attachment). Make sure you have archived it in a .rar or .zip file, So that online antivirus programs of facebook or email service don’t pick it up as exe file.

It totally depends on you as to how you are going to convince your victim to install it at his end. here you will need a criminal mind to perform this Con. For ex: lets say i am chatting with my victim in facebook messages, suddenly i will send him 1 broken photo link and will ask him to identify any object in the photo. Obviously he will reply that the “link is not working” or “i don’t have permission to access that link“. Then i will attach Zip file containing the keylogger and ask him to download this file to checkout that photo. At his end he will download it, open it and he will see the image on his screen. and by the time he reply you back, the keylogger is already installed on his PC.
Step #9: Once your victim has successfully installed it, you will then get keylogs periodically in your spec


Not everyone gets hundreds of likes on their Facebook status posts. Some smart programmers have developed a script that can get any of your Facebook post (status, photo or video) loads of likes just in a few seconds. Yes Its true the script was leaked long time back. But the Scammers have used this script to spread SPAM for their own benefits. In this SCAM trick, you will surely get some hundreds of likes to your respective status post But at the same time you will be posting this SPAM message: “Get 5000 likes in your Status! [URL]“ to all the groups you are a member of. Thus Spreading this SPAM further.
The Scammers have actually used Two Scripts to trap you:
1) Facebook app to Auto-Post to all the groups (you are a member of).
2) Facebook Auto liker app Script.
here’s the actual SPAM post in Facebook groups:

When a user clicks the [link] provided in the SPAM Post, he will be redirected to a Page that will ask you to complete few steps, which involves getting token code by allowing their facebook app to access your facebook profile data. here’s how it looks:
(Click to Enlarge)
how to  Get 5000 likes in your Status
Once the user clicks “get token” Button, he will see a Pop-up asking to Allow a particular Facebook app (app to Auto Post to all the groups).
Once you give all the permissions to their App, They can Post any Message any where, on behalf of you. The moment you realize this, you have already posted the message saying: “Get 5000 likes in your Status! [URL]” to all the groups you belong to. This whole story runs in Background.
how to  Get 5000 likes in your Status
Next you will be asked to input token code and after submitting token code, you will be able to input “status ID” for which you want loads of likes. And yes you will get loads of likes as promised, but the untold truth is, you just became another spammers spreading Scams.
How am i promoting Scam?
Once you share their post at all the groups, the group members will obviously click on the [link] provided and inturn will become victim by promoting it further. In this course, the SPAM developers are making money by monetizing Advertisements (which are normally make money ads or Viagra ads) and you are the one who is getting scammed as well as acting Spammer.
How do i get rid of this SPAM message? (Get 5000 likes in your Status!)
If you are a victim of this SPAM, don’t worry just GOTO “App Settings” on facebook and look for the recent apps that you have given permissions to and remove all of them.
The Scammers are using several dozens of Apps namely: cityville, Xperia, Twitter, and other genuine looking Names. So Observe them smartly and remove them. Share this information with your friends and family.


WE DO NOT SUPPORT FACEBOOK STALKING. The main Idea is just to make you aware that your display picture is not safe even if it’s locked.
Ever wanted to see full size profile picture of your crush, who has made her account display picture visible to only limited people?. Well you have good news! this new profile picture hack allows you to view large size of locked profile picture(current) of any user you want.
Don’t believe me? Lets make a try!. Please do-not Misuse it.
Step #1. Open any Facebook profile with locked display picture. for instance lets visit this spare profile of my friend:
Step #2. Right click on the profile picture and click “Copy image URL”.

Facebook hack: Enlarge locked profile picture
Paste the copied URL in a notepad or address bar. you will see something like this:
If you observe the above URL, you Will notice that the text in red actually matches the thumbnail size of the profile picture which is being locked i.e 160×160.
Step #3. Now the trick is to replace s160×160 with s720×720 in the above link , so your new link will look something like this:
Step #4. Now just visit this new picture link and bam! you have the original locked profile/display picture on your Screen. Enjoy!!


Facebook is the one of the Best social site and its continuously increasing there users.Among the 800 million profile there chances of fake profile more then your think.Even you can't find fake profile in your friend list easily
so Here I will give you a top Tips to find out a profile is fake or not

1.Find His/Her profile pics on Google Image
*Most of the fake profile pic specially girls profile pic have only one profile pic and that is too beautiful
*This point is awesome to find a fake profile pic. 
  What you have to do is download that profile pic to your PC
   Now open Google image search after that Drag and Drop that profile picture on search bar(shown in image)

  After uploading that pic. google show you a all result for that picture 

2.When He/She joined Facebook?

If That profile join facebook short amount of time and have a more friend in there friend list then may b chances its fake

3.Link of His/Her To Other Friend
   Analyse the there pics,wall post,events tag with whom if you cant find so then may be its fake

4.Profile Detail
 Fake profile creator not complete full profile so you can find full profile detail then  may its not a fake

5.According to Request Gender
 If you get a request from a unknown girl then in most of case its fake.bcz aGood girl don't send friend request to strangers

6.Amount of Gender Friend
If that profile is from female Gender and you found most of male in her friend list then may be its fake
on other hand you get request from male Gender and you found most of male then may b its....

7.Mutual Friend
If that fake profile maker is from your group and trying play with you and your friends then amount of mutual friend is more
8. Cross Check email add. with Profile Name
 Cross check  email address with there profile name if you cant find any link between them then its fake


Now a Days Facebook is a Part of our Virtual Life and Everyone use Facebook.There are many application for Birthday Reminders but they all have some negative Point like long Process,Free version and Pro (Paid) version,even some time when we format our Phone then Again Start from first sync account and all that.So basically I mean to say if you want to avoid this all Problem then here is the Solution.

After Complete the Process you able to get Facebook Friend's Birthday Reminder Message directly to your cell number and you also able to Send a Text Message,Picture Message,Voice Message through your Cell on his/her Facebook Wall.In Plus you will get two reminder about Friend's Birthday one is in Text Message and otherone is Pop-up Message.

Get Message Updates about your Facebook Friend's Birthday

  • Dial from your mobile "*325#" or "*fbk#",after that you get popups windows in short time.
  • New popups windows ask you a enter user name and password for facebook log in.
  • After the log in from your cell number exit that windows
Now you complete your Process,In simple language  you Log in to your facebook account using "Zero net Connection" Facilities Provided by Facebook.For Know about Zero Net Facebook Facilities Click Here.
Now you will Get Daily Message updates about your Facebook Friends B'day.Here is the screen shot of msg formate that you got after log in.
MSG Reminder (First Reminder)
Pop up MSG (Second Reminder)

After dialing *325*76# you will show a new popup that have many option to wish your friend like wall post,audio wish.picture msg

Tuesday 24 December 2013


One item that Facebook will never allow is the “don’t like”, because of its negative connotation. Facebook, like all other social networks, must have a positive environment in order to prevent abuse for it’s members.
 To add this button you have to install (unless you use them already), the browserFirefox or Google Chrome.
Now simply install the extension Facebook Dislike (link for Firefox – link to chrome) and the extension options to choose the English language.
Each time you click "don’t like" you’ll see the image with your thumb down and the words "don’t like" – if you did not install the extension you will instead have a comment generated with the words "I do not like( "(link to the group extension)
non mi piace


To send free SMS all over the world with Facebook’s chat application called ChatSMS.
  1. First – login to facebook.
  2. Go to ChatSMS application page and click on Allow.
  3. Now hit high on our name to view our profile. (see picture)
  4. Following the instructions in the image above, add a new tab ans search avalable tabs, ChatSMS.


Here’s a new list of symbols to Facebook:
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